Roy Charon in the Matrix Coat
Hilo, Hawaii 2010 Photo by Cher Glass

The Matrix coat created from a large Zipper and Buckle-on Nylon Roof Rack Carry-all pulled from the trash in front of a motel in Bend, Oregon, with it's blown out steel belted tire epaulets collected off I-5 just south of Tacoma on the same road trip which destroyed the designer suitcase used in the lower portion of the coat and in the next ensemble...
Bellingham RE Store Show 2009 Photos by Danny Gawlowsky of the Bellingham Herald.

Joselyn models "War Wear" with it's vest created from the skin of a designer suitcase that flew off Prima Debris' car roof rack on I-5 just south of Tacoma and an old army parachute skirt and matching tuban, the veil was crafted from the inner net pocket of the suitcase.
Seattle RE Store Show 2009
Photos by Jim Mercure mercurephoto.com

Rayona and the Chic' Sheik at Burning Man
Sheik Kenny wears the Matrix coat
while Rayona models War Wear
Photos by Kristie Maxim